Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Okay, found this survey on Kris' Blog and was bored.... so here goes mine... *LOL*

Personal Life
1. First name: Meegan
2. Middle name: ....forgot?
3. Last name: Um.... I forgot? *heh*
4. Nickname(s): Meg, Mimi, Meegie
5. Screen names: Jeraldine Kallenchuk, ShimmerGirl, Sauron.... there are others, but these are most used...
6. Gender: female
7. Age: 23.... nearing 24
8. Type of Music: Rock, pop rock, country a bit...
9. Birthdate: June 1979
10. Birthplace: California
11. Zodiac sign: Cancer
12. Current location: California
13. Live with: Mom and brother

14. Name of current school: SSU
15. Grade/Year(if in college): paper work probably calls me a junior...but I'm going to be like a 2nd year junior after being a sophmore for like 4 years... *LOL*
16. Graduation date/year: Well... High school: '97, SRJC: '02, SSU: Don't know '05 maybe?
17. GPA: 3.0something...
18. Height: 5'3
19. Hair color: orangeish color (dyed)
20. Highlights/dyed: Yeah, see above
21. Hair length: I had an 'episode' the other night and chopped my hair from my shoulders to just above my chin.
22. Eye color: Blue/Grey/Green
23. Contacts/glasses: Neither... I have good eyes...
24. Freckles: Some
25. Birthmark(s): yeah at least one...
26. Scar(s): one on my elbow... and not sure of any others...
27. Type(s) of clothes you wear: casual, comfortable... whatever I feel like wearing...
28. Cologne/Perfume you wear: None normally
29. Deodorant you use: Not sure, something that's actually a men's line though...

Family Life
30. Mom's name: Ruby
31. Dad's name: Robert
33. Closest family member: mom and brother
34. Family member you could live without: Um... don't know, I see my Dad twice a year, and that's generally good enough there...
35. Last family member you've seen: my mom like 10 minutes ago
36. Oldest: Probably my grandmother Nana
37. Youngest: Probably my cousin's baby, Connor... unless there's some bun in an oven I haven't heard about yet. *L*
38. Family member who lives the farthest away: Cousin, Sara
39. Fondest memory: Um... I have a shitty memory... it's more like a lot of general sensations...
40. Memory you miss the most: See above...
41. Family member you wish the mafia would kill: No one...
42. Memory you wish you had: Huh? I'm confused now...
43. What you did yesterday: Grocery store, video store, and Rite Aid...
44. What you did so far today: Slept and played Sages, and still online now at 12:30 am...
45. Last person you talked to on the phone: Umm... might have been Andrea a couple weeks ago
46. Last person you talked to online: Jody, like a minute ago... window still open...
47. Last movie you've seen: Um... well I just rented and watched "Full Frontal"... In the theather, it's been a few months...
48. Last song you heard on the radio: There's that shitty memory thing again...
49. Last CD you played: Um... I think it might have been Shooter, "...And your Point?"
50. Last thing you said out loud: Asked my mom if I'd gotten her her coffee...
51. Last time you showered: yesterday
52. Last book you read: Um, in the middle of a bunch... but I think the last one I picked up and read part of was Sweet Valley High "Secrets"
54. Last time you sang: Don't know, probably yesterday when I was in the car...
55. Last time you danced: Um... few days... maybe a week... something... shitty memory... this is why I take pictures, they remember for me *LOL*
56. Last thing you ate/drank: Um... probably that soup I ate last night... I haven't eaten anything at all today... except maybe a little toothpaste when I woke up....

Believe it or Not
57. Aliens: Yes, but not nessisarily on Earth...
58. Angels: No
59. Demons: No
60. Heaven & Hell: Only on earth... and I'm not sure about that 'Heaven on earth' consept, seems a little shaky to me...
61. God: No
62. Your friends: Yes

64. Best friend: Apryl & Andrea
65. Last friend you talked to: Online: Jody, Not online: Andrea
66. Funniest: Andrea
67. Silliest: Andrea
68. Loudest: Don't know... I'm probably the loud one... Oh, Maybe Matthew *L*
70. Stupidest: Don't know... I have smart friends...
71. Sweetest: Nicole
72. Weirdest: Andrea *L* she's a crazy chick :)
73. Best at keeping secrets: Apryl
74. Most hyper: That might be me... but Andrea can be kind of hyper too...
75. Most annoying: That might be me again... not sure who else I'd call annoying
76. Friend you miss most: Apryl (she moved to England)
77. Friend you've known the longest: Andrea & Apryl... (Michelle & Marcus have known a while too, but didn't always know them that well)
78. Friend you haven't known long: Allison, only met her in October and now she's moving to Sacramento...

Word Association
79. Bill Clinton: Machanical hillbilly bears... *L* don't ask... watch "The Critic"
80. Lollipops: Yummy fun... Paige on Charmed... *L*
81. Whipped Cream: Ice Cream...
82. Dreams: weird... lately...
83. Love: :P (How do you make that spitty noise over the computer???)
84. South Park: pretty cool...
85. Guys: ???? I have no idea... I don't get them
86. Girls: Chicks kick ass!
87. Death: Big dude in black robe with a sithe
88. Bubble gum: Bubble Yum... *hehehehehehe*
89. Water: cool
90. Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry's
91. Oil: what kind of oil we talkin' about here?
92. Phone: Home *heh*
93. Food: Need some... me hungry
94. Kiss: yummy, by Hersheys *L* (I love the commercials where they all hop around)
95. Pretzels: salty goodness...
96. Britney Spears: POP! *L*
97. School: Okay...
98. Floppy: *hehehehe* Mr Floppy...
99. Shoes: go on feet not on head *LOL*

Have you ever (FYI answer yes or no)
100. Been on a plane: Yes...
101. Cried in public: yeah... plenty...
102. Climbed a tree: yup
103. Gotten in a physical fight: hmm... not really...
104. Drank alcohol: yes, but only in moderation
105. Fell asleep in a movie theater: no, but have come close a couple times...
106. Driven a car: yes
107. Been arrested: no
108. Broken curfew: never really had one...
109. Been pulled over when driving: once, while stopped in a 'no stopping zone' on like my second week with a licence. But the guy let me off with a warning :)
110. Farted in public: hopfully not to anyone's notice...
111. Met a celebrity: minor ones... few guys who played on the AVP Men's Pro Beach Volleyball tour.
112. Skipped school: sure...
113. Went to a pro sports game: AVP, Pro Beach Volleyball tournament...
114. Met the president: Nope...only in some wacked out dream I had once...
115. Been scared to get shot: don't think so...
116. Smoke a cigarette: nope
117. Gotten a cavity: yup... think I've got a huge one that's been sitting over a year now, but I ain't got any dental insurance, so I can't do much about the bloody thing...
118. Done any drugs: nope
119. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: no
120. Gone skinny-dipping: no

121. Food: Pizza
122. Drink: Orange Juice
123. TV show: X-Files... currently in new eps: Angel
124. Movie: Oh too many to name... but anything with Jay & Silent Bob is good *L*
125. CD: Vanessa Carlton "Be Not Nobody" & Christina Aguilera "Stripped" (at the moment)... but alway in running for all time is "No Angel" by Dido
126. Song: "Fighter" & "Cruz" Christina, "Twilight" Vanessa, "Are you Happy Now" Michelle Branch, "Perfect" & "Beautiful" Maren Ord, "Unwell" & "Hang" Matchbox 20... I'm sure there are others elluding me at the moment...
127. Color: Blue & Black
128. Day of the week: Sunday...
129. Month: June & July
130. Number: 10
132. Favorite Car: Old '60s Mustang.... or recent year VW Jetta or Cabrio or Bug
133. Cookie: Snickerdoodles
134. Toothpaste: Crest for Kids *LOL* yes, the blue gel with the sparkles... I love that stuff...
135. Ice Cream: Mint Cookie, by Ben & Jerry's
137. Candy bar: Hmm... not sure... off hand...Gummi Bears, or worms, or gummi something , rather then an actual candy bar...
138. TV channel: WB... used to be FOX, but, well... after Family Guy, I can't forgive them anymore...
139. Radio station: The Mix
140. Artist/band: Vanessa Carlton, Christina Aguilera, Dido, Matchbox 20, Michelle Branch, Dixie Chicks
141. Shampoo/conditioner: Aussie's 'Moist' Shampoo and Conditioner... and Aussie's Smoothie Shampoo
143. Website: Um... Destroy the Ring maybe... that or *LOL* I love Amazon...
144. Sports to play: I don't do any anymore... but I did gymnastics as a kid... I still miss it...
145. Sports to watch: Football & Basketball
146. Place: Home...
147. Vacation spot: Lake George, New York... good family memories there...
148. Kind of candle: The kind that lights... *L*
149. Color eyes: Blue