Friday, August 26, 2005

randomness not even worthy of upper case letters

So, not much different from the last time... still sitting, watching DVDs and wondering 'what the hell'... not to anything in particular, just generally (the 'what the hell' thought I mean). Yeah, so I'm kinda just rambling, cause I've really been neglecting the whole journal thing pretty much since the start of summer... and really, really since July when my summer became nothing but running errands and watching DVDs... It's weird to know that school started up this week, and yet, I didn't have to go to school... it's kinda strange... and I really have to get to finding a job. The whole Hawaii idea is kinda on hold, like probably won't happen till spring time, if it happens at all... though we may find something cool to do Thanksgiving week, like a little trip down the coast or something like that. Anyway, so I bought some DVDs and a CD today and watched a bunch of The OC, season 2. And that was pretty much the highlight of my day...

It's funny the times that you start to consider the consistancy of your life. I was sitting and watching The OC and watching all the relationship drama of it, and then seeing my friend and her husband (who tend to grip at each other a lot, but are also super cute and lovey, seems to be a good balance for them)... but also they are very attached, which probably isn't a bad thing, and not something that I have any issue with, other than to think that I don't know that I could handle a relationship like that. Where they go practically everywhere together, and don't even like running errands alone it seems unless the other is at work. But if they are both off work, then they are pretty much always together. And then all the drama in both scripted shows like The OC and 'reality' based shows that goes on in relationships... it's weird, there are times I think I'd like a relationship, and there are things about having a boyfriend that I find appealing, but then there are also things that I really wonder if I'll ever be able to deal with, and I really have to wonder if I am perhaps just one of those people who is meant to be permenently single. Perhaps a relationship is just not something I'd even be able to function in...

Eh... anyway... that's probably enough thought for 1am...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Still slacking...

and still unemployed... but I'm thinking I'll just get some job bagging grocerys or something so I have some money, and I can maybe go to Hawaii in December with my friends. And then if I can't get time off, it's not a big deal if I just quit. I went down to my internship finally and did some work, and I think I'll be helping out there this coming semester, so that I can keep up doing what I want to do, continued to gain experience and build a portfolio and have referances for later jobs. Plus, there's some very cool people there. :) I'm getting more relaxed now that the whole moving thing is likely not gonna happen for like a year now...

So, yeah... Saw "The Island" a few days ago and really enjoyed it. Scarlett and Ewan were great as usual, and Sean Bean, well, he's hot as ever, and just wonderfully, and deliciously nasty in it. He's just so good at being bad. *LOL*

Pretty much been spending my time running errands, hanging out with my friend Andrea, and sitting around at home watching DVDs. Yeah, kinda boring... kinda static... hoping to push forward some soon though. I'm also getting a move on reshooting my movie with some actual actresses, hopefully it should be good. :)