Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I don't know, I've felt kind of bitchy and on edge all day today. Maybe it's PMS or something, I don't know. I thought I might cry for a minute in Yoga class today, and then like everyone on the road just annoyed me today. :p

Anyway, my research group has to totally realign our survey, as I expected, however not as expected, we're basically changing our hypothesis again. Which means I need to get the survey revamped and email it to her so she can check it, and then perhaps email it to my group also, so they all know what's going on.

I think it's just one of those days where you feel like your head's gonna explode if you think about anything longer then 2 minutes.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Survey Time

1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? Depends on the day, Monday, Wed, and Fri I'm up by like 8 for class and errands and such. Tues & Thurs it's like 11. Sat and Sun, it's varied.
2. IF YOU COULD HAVE LUNCH WITH ANYONE WHO WOULD IT BE? Hmm, maybe Joss Whedon, it'd be cool to ask him about his shows and chat, and maybe learn something from him.
4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? Alien vs Predator *LOL* it was fun and all, but no need to ever see it again ...
5. FAVORITE TV SHOW? lots that aren't on anymore, but currently running new eps, that's hard actually... Does Monday Night Football count?
6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? varies by day, sometimes cereal, sometimes a smoothie if I'm at school, or a cider and a bagel if it's cold... sometimes nothing...
7. WHO WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? hmm, don't know... no one particular, but there are several types of people who would annoy me real fast.
8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? nope... not one of my odd talents
9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? random things, sometimes it's a song, or a film, or just something I pass by while going about my day... oddly I often get good ideas while washing my hair...
10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? Hope... I hope... *L*
11. BEACH, CITY, OR COUNTRY? probably the Beach
12. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer, but winter has it's nice points too
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Ben & Jerry's Mint cookie
14. BUTTERED, SALTED, OR PLAIN POPCORN? Buttered & Salted, although I've taken a real liking to that sweet & salty kettle corn.
15. FAVORITE COLOR? blue & black
16. FAVORITE CAR? the classic 1960's models of the Ford Mustang... although not sure I'd ever really want one, I'm kind of content with my little Honda civic... it's pretty cool too *L*
17. FAVORITE SANDWICH? any really good deli style turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomator, mustard, mayo, and on really good french or sour dough bread roll bread.
18. TRUE LOVE? um, no, don't think so... at least not for me...
19. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? arrogance, stupidity, dishonesty
20. FAVORITE FLOWER? California poppy
21. WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY? put a bunch away, fix the house so it's not about to fall apart, and so we could either rent it when we move or sell it for decent money and buy a nice place near Seattle or Portland... but I'd probably put most of it in the bank, give some to mom, pay back for all that college tuition she's been paying for.
22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? No fizzy, I don't do fizzy... don't like fizzy...
23. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? White, with pink tiles, and a lot of water damage... we got the house over 15 years ago with pink tiles, and they are still there, even though we NEVER liked the pink tiles. *L*
25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? hmm... Southern Cali, or Northern Cali, or maybe Hawaii :)
26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? IF YES, HOW MANY? sort of, but haven't tried in quite a long time
27. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Sunday... it's the mellow sleepy day, and in the fall, it's also Football day :)
28. RED OR WHITE WINE? Neither, not really a wine drinker, or anything alcohol drinker... just never could really aquire a taste for alcohol, and I've tried to...
29. WOULD YOU ATTEND A NUDE EVENT? No, not unless you consider my shower an event...
30. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Nothing really, got depressed and made myself frosted brownies at like 2 am...
31. WHAT IS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ OR ARE CURRENTLY READING? Um, reading "Color of Magic" by Terry Pratchett & "On the Brightside, I'm now the Girlfriend of a Sex god" by Louise Rennison, & "Two Towers" Tolkien... and the last book I finished was "I was a Teenage Fairy" by Francesca Lia Block.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Boys on the Brain

I've had boys on the brain for the last several days now, and it's bloody annoying. Seriously, I can't keep my brain on anything for more then like 10 minutes without boys poping up. I'm on one of those like hormonal trips or something where like every guy gets like more attractive. It's highly destracting, makes normal daily functioning much more challenging. Especially since it's like midterms and this week is full of due dates for projects and exams.

On a totally other note, it's started raining out, like just tonight, like just did since the last time I looked outside. It's not currently raining, but the streets are all wet. And it was all grey and cloudy all day today, actually I guess it was yesterday, since it's like 4 am and all now. Could just tell the sky was waiting to start raining. Not a big suprise though, it was in the weather forecast.

Back to boys, there is of course a particular boy at the center of this madness, but it extends beyond to like every guy I walk past. All the guys in my classes are suddenly that much cuter. And I've now changed my computer wallpaper from a very cute but fully clothed black & white of Ian Thorpe, to one of him with no shirt and his underwear sticking out the top of his shorts. Looking all tan and buff from the Olympics. And cause I couldn't fit his whole torso the proper way, I've turned the photo on it's side so I can see him from waist to head... it's totally gratuitious, but oh so HOT!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


So, I went to Portland this last weekend, cause my fam is thinking of moving there in like less then a year, that or Seattle, which I'm going to go check out over Thanksgiving. Portland was really pretty, we didn't do a lot other then drive around an look at the city, but it was fun.

I think it could be a nice, cool place to live. Although the thought of really leaving California is a little weird. I know California is over priced and has increasingly freaky weather... and is at times excessively hot even in the middle of Sept and Oct.... or February. *L* I guess it'll just be one of those things where you can take the girl out of California, but you can never take the California out of the girl.