Monday, January 31, 2005

Daily Drabble

Just a split decision... was hanging about on this Sean Bean message board that I like to lurk about on now, and have been reading people's 'Drabbles'. A drabble being a piece of writing that is exactly 100 words in length. I'd never been exposed to drabbles before or tried to write one. Thus, I'm trying something new. I'm in need of something to give my creativity a good swift kick in the ass, so I'm giving it a go, and going to make a real attempt to write and post regular drabbles of whatever sort I feel like there. May not be every day, but hoping close enough that I don't feel I have to change the title *LOL*... and perhaps will result in more posting here. Was actually pretty good about keeping this blog up until finals started kicking my ass.

Totally love this movie, "Better Than Sex", it's an Aussie film, with David Wenham. He's very cute in it, and the story, while predictable is sweet, cute, and fun. Plus, David is rather naked through much of it, and well, he looks really fucking HOT. Very nice ass. :) Have also been watching season 4 of Coupling all weekend long since I bought it Friday. I do miss Jeff a little, but Oliver is totally cute and funny in his own way, and everyone else is wonderful as ever. Still one of the funniest shows I've ever bloody seen.

Side note: Gotta figure out what's up with the time component on this thing...

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