Tuesday, December 02, 2003

So much stuff to do

Bit by bit I'm starting to chip away at all the stuff to do for school. Got my presentation for one of my classes tomorrow (I guess technically today *L*)... starting to get on my presentation for next week in my Media Ethics class, at least a little. Read another chapter in the book for my final paper in my intro class... slow but steady progress. I just hope I do well on everything. The end of the semester is always a little nerve racking. I'm looking forward to it all being finished. My last final is Tues, Dec 16, and then I get to go see the Return of the King. I have to find out when the local theater is going to start selling tickets. I really want to go to the midnight show. I went for TTT and it was really fun. :) And this year it would be a really good way to celebrate getting everything finished for my classes.