Wednesday, December 17, 2003

It's Done!

It's done! Got my papers done and my presentations and the scene in theater class went actually really well :) Now I'm free for like a month... well, except for all my online endevors that now need tending, and I may have to begin searching for a new job again, preferably one that I can work only Saturdays... cause I think if I try and work more then that with a full or close to full unit load at school my head might explode *L*...

I'm actually feeling pretty good today, I think cause of the papers and such being done, just nice to have that stress off for a while. My only real bummer of the day was not getting to go to the midnight show of Return of the King, it was all sold out already... but I'm going to the Noon show tomorrow, well guess it's today already, which means I should probably sleep soon. I went out and bought a couple DVDs and some CDs today though... bought Jason Mraz's CD, after catching his second video and being rather amused by it and liking the music... god I'm like in typo hell right now *L*... anway... just out of curiousity I started poking around online for info on Jason and if the birthday I found is correct, he's got my birthday... just not the same year, he's a tad older, not a lot though... :) And I sat and read a bit of the journal he keeps on his offical site and it's just so funny, and interesting, I keep finding myself smiling as I read it... much like when listening to his music and watching his videos... thus that has added to my generally good mood of the moment...

Anyway, I guess his journal also reminded me that I have as always been neglecting this thing... but hey, it's the second entry in one month, that's better then most months for me *L*...

Guess I'll go scoot my ass off to bed... starting to feel a tad bit of the tiredness... seeing as it's like 4:30 am... yeah, I'm insane, as if ya'll didn't know that already... :p