Saturday, March 06, 2004


Wow, Okay so I've not been keeping up here at all... but guess I felt modavated to right now because at the moment... well, I'm feeling, I don't know, off, mentally... Kind of feeling the need for the therapy of writing and of photography. I finally loaded up my camera tonight, so that on Monday I don't even have to consider and time factor of having to get to school, cause I can just grab the camera bag with my backpack.

Planning to sell my car too, get another automatic so that I'm not the only one in the house capable of driving it... plus well, I got sick a few weeks ago and it was hard enough trying to drive an automatic in that state, so, I decided to let it go... I may not have had it not seemed my mom kind of thought having two cars everyone could drive was a possibly better idea... so, at least now I know how to drive a stick in a pinch. So if I ever find myself out with my friends and the driver ends up having a drink, I can drive even if it's a stick... cause well, it's not like I'll be drinking, since I'm not a drinker. Not cause it's like 'bad' for you or anything, just cause I never could manage to aquire a taste for alcohol, it's just not tasty. I'd rather drink something that makes my taste buds happy.

I'm about a month or so into another semester at school, taking a full 12 units this time too. Mostly video/film production classes. It's fun, but mentally consuming, and somewhat time consuming as well. There are some guys who well, kinda cool and cute in the classes, particularly the late Friday class... not that it really has any meaning of any kind, just a random note... something I've noticed... doesn't really mean shit though, since well... I'm me and that's how my life is... and I don't see it changing any time soon, cause I'm just too fucking neruotic... But anyway... I'm wanting to buy a video camera soon... I really want to play around with one and really see what I can do with it... see if I can discover anything by just taking it out... like with my normal camera.

Really, gotta try and pay better attention to this blog. It's not like I'm not online often enough to update regularly... I practically live online... cause I have no life outside it other then classes... :p