Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Boys... Crazy

I think I'm just going crazy. Every now and then I don't know, it's like every guy I pass is cute. And thus I end up spending more time in class thinking how cute some of the guys are and it's much harder to focus on learning anything. It's really annoying. There are these really cute guys in my class, but there's absolutely nothing to be done about it.

Anyway... shifting gears, I spent much of last night going through old photographs that I'd taken over the past like 8 years, it was a little weird and surreal. But that may be good. I think for one of my projects for video class I will try mixing video footage with photographs worked in Photoshop with layers and made into a film piece.

Oh man, got another chat RPG soon, I SOO should have napped in between them, I'm so tired right now.