Thursday, March 11, 2004


I'm feeling very ill at ease at a site that for a long time has been a favorite place of mine and a boards that felt very welcomeing to everyone. But the new ownership is homophobic and a conversation over one thread that appears to me to be relatively harmless, is really troubling me. Granted I'm living not too far from the city that's been marrying gays left and right... and this person is from Texas... two very different states of mind. But I don't want the gay members of the board to feel like they are being discriminated against or unwelcome. I'm bothered by this whole 'homophobic' vibe that seems to be racing through the country... Freakin' republicans...

I'm not gay myself, but I've had friends who were, and I also just don't feel that gays are really any different, other then they like people of the same gender. Big deal, I don't see where it's hurting anyone, or where it even really effects others. But I guess some think it's evil or contagious... generally it seems the religious... but I won't get started on my feelings on religion...

Anyway... just felt the need to vent a little...