Thursday, August 19, 2004

It's been a while...

Okay, so it has really been a while since the last time. Since, I've had all kinds of drama, mostly online, and now, still, my energy online has wained a bit. But I am having fun with the RPG boards a friend and I started a couple months ago, it's not as busy there as I'd like, but there are games playing, and are fun.

Got through finals in May, got A's in all my video classes and a B in my Psych class. Worked on a video project the week after and then took a short 3 week intersession class to finish my GE requirements. Got an A, it was a class on Hawai'i, and it was very cool. Totally didn't mind getting up at 7 am for that class, course it helped I didn't have to get up that early for more then 3 weeks.

Now summer is almost over, class starts in just under a week now. Been watching lots of Olympics, like constantly since they started, been fun. I love watching the Olympics, even events that otherwise I never pay any attention to, like rowing, are lots of fun to watch during the Olympic games.

Been trying to think about what kind of project, or projects I could do for my video class this coming semester. The focus of the class is going to be documentaries, as opposed to scripted, fiction directing, like last semester, so it'll be interesting, but means I need to come up with a documentary to do. I also need to get me a video camera, cause it was a headache having to worry if we were going to be able to check out a camera the week we needed it. This way I'll have one, 24/7.

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