Thursday, August 19, 2004


Oh, got busy with a game and didn't finish my thoughts... My friend, Andrea and I spent like all day friday last week hanging out watching DVDs and browsing the bookstore. And then caught a movie, Alien vs Predator on Monday. The movie was kinda cool, fun and actiony and such. She started back to classes later that afternoon. She said we should make a point to hang out like once a week, I don't know if once a week will really happen, she tends to end up dead to the universe once the semester starts (she's in nursing school, so it's pretty intense, plus she works part time and her husband works full time, so she's a busy girl). But hopefully if we shoot for once a week, we'll at least manage to get to hanging out every couple weeks. I should see if her husband Marcus, can change a car battery (he's pretty good with that kind of tech, car stuff), cause I need a new one, and if he can change it, that would help me save a few bucks. My car battery died, cause I forgot to start it for the last few weeks, while it's been sitting at the curb. Just need a cheep battery cause we're gonna get rid of it soon anyway. The stick can be fun when you get to really drive it out on an open road, but it can just get annoying around the city, shifting all the time practically, plus, well, as I said in an earlier post, that illness, it was just one more thing. Driving the automatic was hard enough when I was sick, and the stick was just one more thing to deal with at that point... :p Oh well... live and learn I guess...

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