Monday, November 29, 2004

And so comes the week from HELL

So like everything is due this week, well not everything, but a lot is due this week, plus this week is scheduleing for next semester as well as that dumb ass exam I have to pass in order to graduate... freaking like 2 or 3 hour writing exam that I have to take at fucking 8:30 in the morning on Saturday. Got two presentations, a group paper, and a rough cut of my documentary due this week... and I need to find an internship, like, soon...

And what exactly am I doing this Sunday night before this week from hell, I'm online searching for pictures, just for fun. Because I can't manage to do anything unless it's due tomorrow... even when it's due in two days...

I just hope I still have my sanity at the end of the week...

Sunday, November 21, 2004


It's 3am and I'm just kinda out of it now... not like bad out of it, although apparently mirc had it out for my chat groups tonight :p...

Got an email back from my Media Law teacher on the short essay I had to do from being in the jury of the Mock trial we did in class this week, he gave me an 'A' and said my paper was insightful, and well written, so that made me happy. Got so much stuff still to do in the next 3 weeks for classes... it's crazy... and now my brain's on auto pilot for the night... hence the out of it ness that's set in. My mom seems to be getting a cold, so think I will head off to bed shortly and sleep, so as to try and keep from catching anything. Last thing I need is to get sick during these last few weeks of classes before Winter break.

Gotta call it winter break, since we're not doing x-mas anymore... there's really no reason to, it's a religious holiday for a religion we don't believe in... so... best thing about x-mas is the lights anyway, I can do without all the rest of the bullshit that comes along with the holidays.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Another Survey thingy

1. What's your full name?
Meg (what, you don't believe that's my full name? *heh*)

2.What pants are you wearing?
Black track suit style pants

3. What are you listening to right now?
Garfield the movie

4. What are the last four digits of your phone number?
Um... I forgot?? (what? it could happen, how often does anyone really call their own home anyway?) :P

5. What was the last thing you ate?
Um... dried cranberries

6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Blue, probably specifically like a midnight blue, I'm a very blue kind of person

7. Where do you plan to go/or did you go on your honeymoon?
Not really planning on marrying, ever, so therefore no honeymoon, but I wouldn't mind a vacation for no reason to Hawaii.

8. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Uhhh.... not sure, probably some dumb ass sales recording that I hung up on. But last person I recall actually speaking to, probably my friend Andrea, she's the only person who ever calls me really, or who I call for that matter. My friend Apryl now lives too far away for frequent phone calling.

9. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Probably face and then body...

10. Do you like the person that sent you this?
Yes, got it in an email, actually some months ago from the afore mentioned far away friend Apryl. Email is easier & cheeper then the phone now, what with her in England and me in California.

11. what is your favoutrite drink?
Orange Juice

12. Favourite alcoholic drink?
Not much of a drinker, can't really seem to aquire a taste for alcohol.

13. Favourite sport to play?
I did gymnastics as a kid which was tons of fun, but haven't done that for ages now. So not really doing any sports anymore, trying to get active again though by taking a yoga class.

14. Favourite sport to watch?
American Football, no question... but I like a lot of sports, basketball, Olympics, etc...

15. What's the next CD you're going to get?
Not sure, but I think I heard there's a new Vanessa Carlton CD coming out soon.

16. Did you ever wear braces?
No, an orthodontist told me I needed them about 7 years ago, but I was already in college then, and like hell I was gonna get them then. Plus they cost a bloody fortune, that I don't have, and I didn't think my teeth looked that fucked up, I think the guy was just trying to make a buck off my teeth.

Question 17 is apparently missing from the survey sent to me by my friend.

18. Siblings and their ages:
Brother, 20

19. Favourite food :
maybe pizza, with mushrooms and extra pineapple

20. Last movie you watched?
Watching Garfield the movie now... kinda cute, but only half paying attention.

21. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
Are you kidding me? I'm too fucking shy to even say hi to a classmate, like I could ever ask anyone out.

22. Favourite place to go on a date?
I don't date

23. Do you like scary or happy movies better?
Eh, whatever... I watch a lot of movies, depends on my mood

24. Summer or winter?
I think I still say summer, but not as adamently as I used to... all the seasons have their place and good points.

25. Hugs or kisses?
Um, I'm just gonna assume we're talking about those chocolate things Hershey's makes, in which case, I like the original pure milk chocolate Kisses

26. Relationship or one night stands?
Neither... and no, I won't elaborate on that ...

27. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla I guess... but Strawberry is even better

28. Who is most likely to respond?
Well, seeing as this isn't an email anymore, and I'm not sending it to anyone, and even if it where, I'm sure I'm the one on the end of the chain (ie no one to respond as the only person to send it to is the person who sent it to me)... so, no one...

29. Who is least likely to respond?
Not relivant, see above

30. What books are you reading?
There's a few of them... I have odd reading habits...

31. What's on your mouse pad?
It's not actually a mouse pad, it's an old day planner from 2002-2003 with a turtle on the cover.

32. Favourite magazine?
Probably Maxim, it's funnier then those chick magazines that are always about how to make yourself over

33. Favourite garden smell?
I don't know, I don't really go around smelling gardens...

34. Least favourite smell?
either that kind of bad BO that fills a whole room, or that kind of obsene perfume that fills up a room...

35. Worst feeling in the world?

36. How many rings before you answer the door?
as many as possible... I generally hope if I just wait it out, they'll go the fuck away. I think I need to get a sign that indicates that if you don't know the occupants personally, or are delivering mail, you should piss off.

37. Future children's names?
Well, not really thinking I'll be having any kids... not sure I won't change my own name some day, but to go through all those names here would be too much...

38. Glass half empty or half full?
usually half empty... occationally I get a half full day... but right now, I'm having an almost empty kind of month, so...

39. Favourite movie(s)?
There's just too many to get into right now...

40. What's under your bed?
Storage bins, with magazines, and other random shit that I won't get rid of...

41. What is your favourite number?

42. One nice thing about the person that sent this:
Apryl, well, she's like my best friend. She's nice, fun, smart, cool to hang out with and talk with.

43. Favourite current TV shows?
Um... Lost is pretty cool. I also make a point of watching Gilmore Girls & Boston Legal.