Sunday, August 14, 2005

Still slacking...

and still unemployed... but I'm thinking I'll just get some job bagging grocerys or something so I have some money, and I can maybe go to Hawaii in December with my friends. And then if I can't get time off, it's not a big deal if I just quit. I went down to my internship finally and did some work, and I think I'll be helping out there this coming semester, so that I can keep up doing what I want to do, continued to gain experience and build a portfolio and have referances for later jobs. Plus, there's some very cool people there. :) I'm getting more relaxed now that the whole moving thing is likely not gonna happen for like a year now...

So, yeah... Saw "The Island" a few days ago and really enjoyed it. Scarlett and Ewan were great as usual, and Sean Bean, well, he's hot as ever, and just wonderfully, and deliciously nasty in it. He's just so good at being bad. *LOL*

Pretty much been spending my time running errands, hanging out with my friend Andrea, and sitting around at home watching DVDs. Yeah, kinda boring... kinda static... hoping to push forward some soon though. I'm also getting a move on reshooting my movie with some actual actresses, hopefully it should be good. :)

1 comment:

LeperColony said...

Slacking has always been profoundly underrated.