Friday, July 29, 2005


I've started doing that ... thing even in my titles... that's a little screwy... but oh well :P

So, I've been slacking off in just about every manner imaginable this summer. I haven't been down to my intership in several weeks, I haven't done a whole lot in the finding a real job arena, the whole moving situation is completely in the air, I am up and online at 5:30am because I woke up at 11:30pm after my like 3rd nap of the day... I've been sleeping most of my days away, and whatever time I'm not asleep I'm doing errands like grocery shopping, or I'm playing some game on the computer while watching DVD marathons of my favorite TV shows... Yes, my life is lame right now... and I've become pretty appathetic about it all rather quickly... I wonder if it's a bad sign when you graduate from college and suddenly become appathetic about life?

We had a rather large power outtage in my city today, lasted for like 3 hours, was kinda strange... although i was sleeping through the first part of it...

I've been really slacking about online things too. I check my email fairly consistantly, cause I actually am online like at least several times a week, it's just usually after midnight here, and I sometimes don't even bother with turning on my messengers, no one's on them usually at that hour anyway... I haven't had a chat rpg in over a month. I've tried to turn up to Sacred a few times, but the few times I make it, only like one other person does. And from the sounds of it, there's only 4 of us left anyway... The only reason at this point that I haven't completely decided just to shut it down is strictly because of the players, Sarai, Anja, & Manny... cause they are cool people, and I like playing with them and talking with them... but I think my drive for the characters and stories themselves is pretty much effectively dead. Which is really kinda sad... it's been a slow death of them over the past year or so... I'm trying to decide if I want to try and make an effort to invest again in Sacred, or if I should just let it go and just make a point of trying to catch the people online at random times and just messege with them.

I still feel like my life is in chaos, but I feel less upset and anxious about it now... hence the appathy... but I'm not sure that that's actually a good thing. I kind of feel like I should still be more paniced about everything, but I can't seem to have the desire or energy to care...

Anyway... not sure what else to say right now... starting to feel repetitive... eh...

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