Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Time to start Thinking

Gotta start thinking about projects and papers, got projects in just about every class that are going to be involved and consuming, and gotta come up with what to do for them, Soon. Sooner the better so I can at least try and get started early. Really am going to need to get a video cam ASAP. I think I can do something video related for my senior project, not sure if I could tie it to whatever I do for my video production class.

The Olympics are over, and it's sad, I miss them so much already. Been watching US Open all day just cause I need some kind of sports booster or something. Been online for little spurts rather often looking up pics and info on athletes and sports, especially those hot male swimmers. *LOL* I want to know where I can order me one of those guys *LOL*. Sometimes the hormones just take over. :p

Anyway, just talking... trying to do this more often... even if I don't feel like I really am saying that much...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

School ... and other stuff

Okay, today was back to school, I missed who knows how much Olympic Coverage, but did get to interact in person with other human beings again. *LOL* Okay, I'm maybe not QUITE that big of a hermit, but close. It's not that big an exaggeration. Got books at least for the couple books for this class. Also got the new Vanity Fair mag I'd been thinking about with the pretty pic of Reese Witherspoon on the cover. Lots of cool pics of Olympians in it too... and I have to say, up till now Michael Phelps was a cute kid, but WOW, that pic of him in there was HOT! I can't believe how young he is though.... dude, I feel old. Still love Olympics, but damn those athletes make me feel old. So many of the athletes are younger then me. I expected that from women's gymnastics, but not everything else as well, from volleyball, to swimming, to track. And hell, for that matter 1/3 of the women's gymnastics team this year was actually older then me, more then 2000 even I think. I think in 2000 the only one older then me was Dominique Dawes. This year both Mohini Bhardwaj and Annia Hatch are older then I, granted by only a year, but still... (actually Mo is like 9 months older)... *L*

I now, after watching an inordinate amount of Olympic coverage, really want to go to like some big athletic event. I bet being at the games and going and seeing some of these things live and in person is just awsome. The only sporting events I've actually been to are my high school's football and basketball games (now years ago). Although the football was pretty cool, we went to division championship game held at the Okland Colosium (where the Okland Raiders & A's play) so that was pretty wow. And then like 8 or 9 years ago I went to a few AVP (Pro Beach Volleyball) tournaments in Southern Cali, but it's been a while, Mike Dodd was still playing back then, now he's announcing for the Indoor Volleyball at the Athens Games. Was cool though I still have pics of me with Mike Dodd, Mike Witmarsh (Dodd's partner when they won silver at Atlanta 1996) and a pic with Eric Fonoimoana. But again, that was years ago. Going to like some kind of Olympics or World Championships would rock, or going to another AVP tourny again would rock... (Beach Volleyball is a massively cool sport, the atmosphere is the best)... I also wouldn't mind catching an NBA or NFL game, but both those are so increadibly expencive to attend just one little game, and I don't think my mom would let me and my bro drive to Okland or South San Fran alone... which kind of leaves only Sacremento Kings, which is a little bit far to go, and still very pricey, although I'm sure it would be an amazing time. :p

Sunday, August 22, 2004


It's 3am, I have another chat to do, and I'm tired. I really wish I could just go to bed right now. Been watching Olympics still... pretty much all I've been watching the last week. Now also seriously thinking about the fact that I go back to classes mid week. It's crazy... and annoying, cause I feel more tired now then I did at the start of the summer. But it'll be good to get back to classes and at least some minor interaction with other human beings not over the internet. Haven't had much of that over the summer.

Thursday, August 19, 2004


Alright! Got me a new template layout, and gussed up my profile, and all that good stuff... Olympic coverage is on again, swimming right now. We'll see if I can remember to update this sucker any better then I have. I'd be cool if I could. :)

Okay, think I'll be off for the night now... want to pay attention to the Olympics... *L*


Testing something out, trying to see if it will work, trying to add the comment option to this thing, not that I think there will be many people out there reading this to comment on it, but there might be one or two, so, ...



Oh, got busy with a game and didn't finish my thoughts... My friend, Andrea and I spent like all day friday last week hanging out watching DVDs and browsing the bookstore. And then caught a movie, Alien vs Predator on Monday. The movie was kinda cool, fun and actiony and such. She started back to classes later that afternoon. She said we should make a point to hang out like once a week, I don't know if once a week will really happen, she tends to end up dead to the universe once the semester starts (she's in nursing school, so it's pretty intense, plus she works part time and her husband works full time, so she's a busy girl). But hopefully if we shoot for once a week, we'll at least manage to get to hanging out every couple weeks. I should see if her husband Marcus, can change a car battery (he's pretty good with that kind of tech, car stuff), cause I need a new one, and if he can change it, that would help me save a few bucks. My car battery died, cause I forgot to start it for the last few weeks, while it's been sitting at the curb. Just need a cheep battery cause we're gonna get rid of it soon anyway. The stick can be fun when you get to really drive it out on an open road, but it can just get annoying around the city, shifting all the time practically, plus, well, as I said in an earlier post, that illness, it was just one more thing. Driving the automatic was hard enough when I was sick, and the stick was just one more thing to deal with at that point... :p Oh well... live and learn I guess...

It's been a while...

Okay, so it has really been a while since the last time. Since, I've had all kinds of drama, mostly online, and now, still, my energy online has wained a bit. But I am having fun with the RPG boards a friend and I started a couple months ago, it's not as busy there as I'd like, but there are games playing, and are fun.

Got through finals in May, got A's in all my video classes and a B in my Psych class. Worked on a video project the week after and then took a short 3 week intersession class to finish my GE requirements. Got an A, it was a class on Hawai'i, and it was very cool. Totally didn't mind getting up at 7 am for that class, course it helped I didn't have to get up that early for more then 3 weeks.

Now summer is almost over, class starts in just under a week now. Been watching lots of Olympics, like constantly since they started, been fun. I love watching the Olympics, even events that otherwise I never pay any attention to, like rowing, are lots of fun to watch during the Olympic games.

Been trying to think about what kind of project, or projects I could do for my video class this coming semester. The focus of the class is going to be documentaries, as opposed to scripted, fiction directing, like last semester, so it'll be interesting, but means I need to come up with a documentary to do. I also need to get me a video camera, cause it was a headache having to worry if we were going to be able to check out a camera the week we needed it. This way I'll have one, 24/7.