Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I think it was hormones

Well, wound up leaving class today fustrated, pissy, and on the verge of tears. I think I was just having one of those hormonal days where I just can't take anything that isn't light and fun fair.

On a side note, I think I've, again, decided that the best way to deal with life, particularly group work in classes is to shut the hell up and do whatever the rest of the group wants. I just end up fustrated and unhappy when the group inevitably doesn't give a shit and doesn't listen or care about anything I put in as input, or even worse, make me feel stupid for even suggesting anything at all. Unfortunatly this semester is gonna be full of shitty ass group work. Oh well, at least I'm usually pretty good at staying quiet and doing what I'm told, assuming I don't burst into tears in the middle of it all.

Well, going to attempt to sleep, been getting shitty sleep the last week, and it's starting to drive me over the edge, I about cried last night cause I just couldn't sleep.

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