Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Dreams Left Behind

The Olympics always bring up those feelings of dreams not persued, or dreams left half way. I'm sure it's because of my own childhood dreams of Olympic greatness when I was like 7 and 8 and was a gymnast, and actually pretty good at that point. Actual potential and everything. But at 11, I'd already had to cut back on training due to my mom's work, and then burnt out a bit, intended to take just a few months off, but never wound up going back. There are times still that I regret never going back, not so much because I could have been an Olympic gymnast, but because it was a lot of fun, and a great way to stay in shape. Now, nearly 15 years later, I feel out of shape, and inactive. I'm planning on looking into using the rec center at my school, and possibly taking like a yoga or dance class or something to have something active to do.

And then I think of my more current dreams, dreams I hope aren't as far off achievment as my Olympic dreams as a child were. Dreams of getting into something, preferably not the nightly news, where I get to use and work around a video camera. Fiction TV or film would rock, but like sports coverage would be cool too. I'm thinking about possibly doing a documentary on this kind of topic for my class this semester, looking at the dreams, past and present of people, and the reasons for wanting what they do, and for having given up on old dreams.


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