Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Been a while

Yeah, so I've been really bad about posting again, cause I guess I've just been destracted by real life going on. Kind of mentally consumed lately by college ending and chaos of summer impending etc... Have made a few attempts at getting to know a few of the people I found to be interesting better, not sure how much success I can say I've had. Pretty limited I think, but perhaps there will be a couple people whom I won't completely lose touch with, such as the two people who've actually invited me to things at the end of this semester.

It's all still pretty surreal... I have one final left tomorrow morning, but I'm not overly conserned about it. It's my Dino class and the exam is multiple "guess". *L* And if I figured properly, I could blow off the final entirely, take a Zero on it and still get a C+ in the class. So I figure even if I don't study, I ought to at least pull off a B in the class. It's really just those last two units I need to graduate... filler units... :p

So I graduate on Saturday, how weird is that? I'm sure it won't really hit me until I'm actually standing there in the cap and gown and looking around at all the other people dressed the same... weirdness... anyway...

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