Sunday, June 19, 2005

Seeking Socialization...

So, it seems I'm in one of those desperately seeking socializing phases. I'm like really trying/hopeing to get something that resembles a social life. Saw wonderland guy again today, but we didn't get any alone time. So he was apparently 'behaving' himself so as not to get in trouble with me. *LOL* I told him I'd let him know if he was in trouble. But now, I'm not sure when I'm seeing him again... and well, I didn't really get to do the things today I'd hoped to do. Including particually getting to actually have a real conversation as opposed to just casual chat... may have to call my friend tomorrow and see if there's any chances before the 4th of July to get her brother up again, and if not, to get the word out on the 4th at least... cause that guy is in my head now, and I want to do something about it *L*.

Anyway... switching gears... Unfortunatly missed saying goodbye to a casual friend who left for home today. Hopefully will still get to speak to him online though, cause he's a really cool person. :) And if he reads this, I hope he knows I am talking about him. Cause well, he is really cool and I had a lot of fun hanging out and talking with him.

Tomorrow is father's day, so I'll probably make the standard call and leave message on my father's machine. It's what I do every year on his birthday and father's day.

I'm so itching for socializing... and well, a little time with guys... that I'm contemplating calling up this guy I almost went to the movies with, if it weren't for his being a lame ass... and saying 'so when do I get that movie you owe me?' *LOL* But it's been over a month or maybe nearly two now since then, and I'm thinking it's too late and it'd be lame to even bother... I'm just bored, and looking for some fun... *LOL*

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