Wednesday, December 17, 2003

It's Done!

It's done! Got my papers done and my presentations and the scene in theater class went actually really well :) Now I'm free for like a month... well, except for all my online endevors that now need tending, and I may have to begin searching for a new job again, preferably one that I can work only Saturdays... cause I think if I try and work more then that with a full or close to full unit load at school my head might explode *L*...

I'm actually feeling pretty good today, I think cause of the papers and such being done, just nice to have that stress off for a while. My only real bummer of the day was not getting to go to the midnight show of Return of the King, it was all sold out already... but I'm going to the Noon show tomorrow, well guess it's today already, which means I should probably sleep soon. I went out and bought a couple DVDs and some CDs today though... bought Jason Mraz's CD, after catching his second video and being rather amused by it and liking the music... god I'm like in typo hell right now *L*... anway... just out of curiousity I started poking around online for info on Jason and if the birthday I found is correct, he's got my birthday... just not the same year, he's a tad older, not a lot though... :) And I sat and read a bit of the journal he keeps on his offical site and it's just so funny, and interesting, I keep finding myself smiling as I read it... much like when listening to his music and watching his videos... thus that has added to my generally good mood of the moment...

Anyway, I guess his journal also reminded me that I have as always been neglecting this thing... but hey, it's the second entry in one month, that's better then most months for me *L*...

Guess I'll go scoot my ass off to bed... starting to feel a tad bit of the tiredness... seeing as it's like 4:30 am... yeah, I'm insane, as if ya'll didn't know that already... :p

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

So much stuff to do

Bit by bit I'm starting to chip away at all the stuff to do for school. Got my presentation for one of my classes tomorrow (I guess technically today *L*)... starting to get on my presentation for next week in my Media Ethics class, at least a little. Read another chapter in the book for my final paper in my intro class... slow but steady progress. I just hope I do well on everything. The end of the semester is always a little nerve racking. I'm looking forward to it all being finished. My last final is Tues, Dec 16, and then I get to go see the Return of the King. I have to find out when the local theater is going to start selling tickets. I really want to go to the midnight show. I went for TTT and it was really fun. :) And this year it would be a really good way to celebrate getting everything finished for my classes.

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Headaches of finding a car

So much crap to do my head is spinning... and this looking for a car thing, starting to give me a headache. It's like everything that's in my price range either looks like crap, or doesn't have the one and only feature I really want in a car, power windows. Didn't realize they were so freakin' hard to find in a cheep used car... so annoying...

Thursday, October 23, 2003


Okay, again been a while since the last post, but well, insanity and brain blanks happen... :p

I have to sit down like this weekend and go through all my stuff from my classes and start laying out what's due when and what's entailed in each thing. And then start planning what to do when, and start getting moving on all these projects, papers, and presentations I have to do in this second half of the semester.

Watching this thing on travel channel about Hersey, Penn and it's making me crave chocolate. *LOL*

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Not really writing for a particular reason, other then random boredom. There's a bunch of movies out or coming out soon that I want to see. I don't recall past Septembers haveing such good stuff in theaters. It's usually a dull period in theaters between Sept and Nov.

Despite all the reading entailed in my classes, at least so far, I'm not feeling as overwhelmed as I have the past couple semesters. I'm also not having to remind myself why I like the subject I'm majoring in, it's just there. Like the reason why is always present in my mind and always being reafirmed by things in class.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Okay well, schools really back in session, so far it's going alright... though I do need to better alot time for reading cause there's a lot of reading, and I really need to actually absorb what I'm reading, in otherwords, I can't be half asleep while trying to read for class. Cause it's like the next day I might as well have not read it at all, cause I don't recall a lick of it.

My drama class is kind of fun, though I'm feeling wholy untalented next to everyone else there...

I haven't been sleeping right or something this week, cause my neck is just all screwed up, I can barely turn my head it hurts so much. It's bloody obnoxious.

Anyway, I think that's it at the moment... brain no longer functioning... need sleep... tired...

Monday, September 01, 2003

Shit, I don't think there could be a person more fucking pathetic then I am if they tried... I mean, I didn't even have to try and I'm just a loser... my life is utterly pathetic... all I ever seem to be capable of doing right is consitantly fucking up...

shit, I don't even know what else to say... i'm just a loser... lame... stupid, stupid girl!

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Well, again a time laps... I seem to have a tendancy toward that, but oh well... *L*

School begins again this week, actually kind of excited and interested for it this time, new genre of classes to take. And I think, hopefully, a major that suits me better, communications. :)

I've been massively obsessed with Colin Farrell for several weeks now, seen most all his movies... he's just an amazing actor, and just HOT as hell *L*. Love the accent when I can catch it, and he's just so Irish... love it! *LOL*

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is released on DVD this week, and I'm SOOO excited... I love that movie... can't wait to see it again, it's been too long since the last time I saw it in the theater was. Also it's got the previews of Return of the King, and of the extended edition of TTT, which comes out in Nov, and I can't wait for that one... I've heard it has... wait for it... BOROMIR! in flashbacks... YES!! I LOVE My Boromir!! Just can never get enough of Sean Bean, he's just fuckin' amazing... and HOT! *L* (Yes, I am highly guided by my hormones *L*)

I'm also now onto the idea of getting a camcorder (have always found them tempting, and think now I may just give into that temptation and get one). Also been looking at the aray of new SLR film and digital cameras. I never did get a second camera, which I'd really wanted to (just a bigger zoom lens for the camera I already have. (A Canon AE-1, that I LOVE!) But now I'm considering if perhaps I should think about getting into the 21st century of photography with my second camera, and at least get a newer SLR film camera, and not just another AE-1, which I'd been thinking about before. I may have to get my lazy self to a store where I can actually take a real look at some of these cameras and see if I like how they feel, and try and check out the interfaces of them.

Anyway, that's all for the moment... will try and remember to write more often... even if it's just to talk about nothing :)

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Okay, been a little while off the Blog here... and man had a shitty week... but it's getting better now. Going to hopefully buy a laptop tomorrow, and planning to see Pirates of the Carrabbean again. Saw Bad Boys II last night (Friday night), and that was hella fun. I really needed some good action, explosions, and humor from Will Smith and Martin Lawrence to help me get over the week I had.

Anyway... this is just a quick one... try and make a better post later...but it's nearing 2 am, and the brain is majorly fried...

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

Okay, found this survey on Kris' Blog and was bored.... so here goes mine... *LOL*

Personal Life
1. First name: Meegan
2. Middle name: ....forgot?
3. Last name: Um.... I forgot? *heh*
4. Nickname(s): Meg, Mimi, Meegie
5. Screen names: Jeraldine Kallenchuk, ShimmerGirl, Sauron.... there are others, but these are most used...
6. Gender: female
7. Age: 23.... nearing 24
8. Type of Music: Rock, pop rock, country a bit...
9. Birthdate: June 1979
10. Birthplace: California
11. Zodiac sign: Cancer
12. Current location: California
13. Live with: Mom and brother

14. Name of current school: SSU
15. Grade/Year(if in college): paper work probably calls me a junior...but I'm going to be like a 2nd year junior after being a sophmore for like 4 years... *LOL*
16. Graduation date/year: Well... High school: '97, SRJC: '02, SSU: Don't know '05 maybe?
17. GPA: 3.0something...
18. Height: 5'3
19. Hair color: orangeish color (dyed)
20. Highlights/dyed: Yeah, see above
21. Hair length: I had an 'episode' the other night and chopped my hair from my shoulders to just above my chin.
22. Eye color: Blue/Grey/Green
23. Contacts/glasses: Neither... I have good eyes...
24. Freckles: Some
25. Birthmark(s): yeah at least one...
26. Scar(s): one on my elbow... and not sure of any others...
27. Type(s) of clothes you wear: casual, comfortable... whatever I feel like wearing...
28. Cologne/Perfume you wear: None normally
29. Deodorant you use: Not sure, something that's actually a men's line though...

Family Life
30. Mom's name: Ruby
31. Dad's name: Robert
33. Closest family member: mom and brother
34. Family member you could live without: Um... don't know, I see my Dad twice a year, and that's generally good enough there...
35. Last family member you've seen: my mom like 10 minutes ago
36. Oldest: Probably my grandmother Nana
37. Youngest: Probably my cousin's baby, Connor... unless there's some bun in an oven I haven't heard about yet. *L*
38. Family member who lives the farthest away: Cousin, Sara
39. Fondest memory: Um... I have a shitty memory... it's more like a lot of general sensations...
40. Memory you miss the most: See above...
41. Family member you wish the mafia would kill: No one...
42. Memory you wish you had: Huh? I'm confused now...
43. What you did yesterday: Grocery store, video store, and Rite Aid...
44. What you did so far today: Slept and played Sages, and still online now at 12:30 am...
45. Last person you talked to on the phone: Umm... might have been Andrea a couple weeks ago
46. Last person you talked to online: Jody, like a minute ago... window still open...
47. Last movie you've seen: Um... well I just rented and watched "Full Frontal"... In the theather, it's been a few months...
48. Last song you heard on the radio: There's that shitty memory thing again...
49. Last CD you played: Um... I think it might have been Shooter, "...And your Point?"
50. Last thing you said out loud: Asked my mom if I'd gotten her her coffee...
51. Last time you showered: yesterday
52. Last book you read: Um, in the middle of a bunch... but I think the last one I picked up and read part of was Sweet Valley High "Secrets"
54. Last time you sang: Don't know, probably yesterday when I was in the car...
55. Last time you danced: Um... few days... maybe a week... something... shitty memory... this is why I take pictures, they remember for me *LOL*
56. Last thing you ate/drank: Um... probably that soup I ate last night... I haven't eaten anything at all today... except maybe a little toothpaste when I woke up....

Believe it or Not
57. Aliens: Yes, but not nessisarily on Earth...
58. Angels: No
59. Demons: No
60. Heaven & Hell: Only on earth... and I'm not sure about that 'Heaven on earth' consept, seems a little shaky to me...
61. God: No
62. Your friends: Yes

64. Best friend: Apryl & Andrea
65. Last friend you talked to: Online: Jody, Not online: Andrea
66. Funniest: Andrea
67. Silliest: Andrea
68. Loudest: Don't know... I'm probably the loud one... Oh, Maybe Matthew *L*
70. Stupidest: Don't know... I have smart friends...
71. Sweetest: Nicole
72. Weirdest: Andrea *L* she's a crazy chick :)
73. Best at keeping secrets: Apryl
74. Most hyper: That might be me... but Andrea can be kind of hyper too...
75. Most annoying: That might be me again... not sure who else I'd call annoying
76. Friend you miss most: Apryl (she moved to England)
77. Friend you've known the longest: Andrea & Apryl... (Michelle & Marcus have known a while too, but didn't always know them that well)
78. Friend you haven't known long: Allison, only met her in October and now she's moving to Sacramento...

Word Association
79. Bill Clinton: Machanical hillbilly bears... *L* don't ask... watch "The Critic"
80. Lollipops: Yummy fun... Paige on Charmed... *L*
81. Whipped Cream: Ice Cream...
82. Dreams: weird... lately...
83. Love: :P (How do you make that spitty noise over the computer???)
84. South Park: pretty cool...
85. Guys: ???? I have no idea... I don't get them
86. Girls: Chicks kick ass!
87. Death: Big dude in black robe with a sithe
88. Bubble gum: Bubble Yum... *hehehehehehe*
89. Water: cool
90. Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry's
91. Oil: what kind of oil we talkin' about here?
92. Phone: Home *heh*
93. Food: Need some... me hungry
94. Kiss: yummy, by Hersheys *L* (I love the commercials where they all hop around)
95. Pretzels: salty goodness...
96. Britney Spears: POP! *L*
97. School: Okay...
98. Floppy: *hehehehe* Mr Floppy...
99. Shoes: go on feet not on head *LOL*

Have you ever (FYI answer yes or no)
100. Been on a plane: Yes...
101. Cried in public: yeah... plenty...
102. Climbed a tree: yup
103. Gotten in a physical fight: hmm... not really...
104. Drank alcohol: yes, but only in moderation
105. Fell asleep in a movie theater: no, but have come close a couple times...
106. Driven a car: yes
107. Been arrested: no
108. Broken curfew: never really had one...
109. Been pulled over when driving: once, while stopped in a 'no stopping zone' on like my second week with a licence. But the guy let me off with a warning :)
110. Farted in public: hopfully not to anyone's notice...
111. Met a celebrity: minor ones... few guys who played on the AVP Men's Pro Beach Volleyball tour.
112. Skipped school: sure...
113. Went to a pro sports game: AVP, Pro Beach Volleyball tournament...
114. Met the president: Nope...only in some wacked out dream I had once...
115. Been scared to get shot: don't think so...
116. Smoke a cigarette: nope
117. Gotten a cavity: yup... think I've got a huge one that's been sitting over a year now, but I ain't got any dental insurance, so I can't do much about the bloody thing...
118. Done any drugs: nope
119. Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: no
120. Gone skinny-dipping: no

121. Food: Pizza
122. Drink: Orange Juice
123. TV show: X-Files... currently in new eps: Angel
124. Movie: Oh too many to name... but anything with Jay & Silent Bob is good *L*
125. CD: Vanessa Carlton "Be Not Nobody" & Christina Aguilera "Stripped" (at the moment)... but alway in running for all time is "No Angel" by Dido
126. Song: "Fighter" & "Cruz" Christina, "Twilight" Vanessa, "Are you Happy Now" Michelle Branch, "Perfect" & "Beautiful" Maren Ord, "Unwell" & "Hang" Matchbox 20... I'm sure there are others elluding me at the moment...
127. Color: Blue & Black
128. Day of the week: Sunday...
129. Month: June & July
130. Number: 10
132. Favorite Car: Old '60s Mustang.... or recent year VW Jetta or Cabrio or Bug
133. Cookie: Snickerdoodles
134. Toothpaste: Crest for Kids *LOL* yes, the blue gel with the sparkles... I love that stuff...
135. Ice Cream: Mint Cookie, by Ben & Jerry's
137. Candy bar: Hmm... not sure... off hand...Gummi Bears, or worms, or gummi something , rather then an actual candy bar...
138. TV channel: WB... used to be FOX, but, well... after Family Guy, I can't forgive them anymore...
139. Radio station: The Mix
140. Artist/band: Vanessa Carlton, Christina Aguilera, Dido, Matchbox 20, Michelle Branch, Dixie Chicks
141. Shampoo/conditioner: Aussie's 'Moist' Shampoo and Conditioner... and Aussie's Smoothie Shampoo
143. Website: Um... Destroy the Ring maybe... that or *LOL* I love Amazon...
144. Sports to play: I don't do any anymore... but I did gymnastics as a kid... I still miss it...
145. Sports to watch: Football & Basketball
146. Place: Home...
147. Vacation spot: Lake George, New York... good family memories there...
148. Kind of candle: The kind that lights... *L*
149. Color eyes: Blue

Thursday, May 29, 2003

OMG!!! I'm so freakin' obsessed with Chat RPGs. *L* I keep trying to figure out how to open more covens. It's just so FUN! I'm just an RPG addict. I know it, and I embrace it. The only thing is that I want to only open groups that I know I can stick with. That I don't think I'll have to turn over to someone else or close down in 3 or 6 or 12 months. I guess I just like to know I can stick with it.

I'm okay for next school year, already set my classes up around my chats. But I'm currently unemployed, and will eventually have to get another job, at least working a couple days week, that will have to fit into chat hours, sleep hours, and school hours.

On a totally different note, I emailed my friend the same day I left my last post here, but still haven't heard back from her. It could be that she did get to go home to see her parents, so she hasn't checked email. But I'm also wondering if I didn't have the current email addy. Cause I know it's changed a couple times. In any case, I'm just hoping she's doing alright.

And to change topics again, last Saturday night I went out, for once. Went to this bar/club with some friends to see this 80's cover band play. It was Hella fun! I even actually got out there and danced, and I like never do that. *L*

Anyway, that's what's up right now...

Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Okay... having major brain fry right now. Could be cause it's 6am and I've been online all night... but in any case... Some people are so annoying, like some random people in some of my RPGs, Chat and Board, that just don't get the concept of having to clear story ideas and such with the managers. Grr...

Also, working still on web site stuff. Just all stattered right now. I keep meaning to send my best friend a birthday email, now it's like more then a week past her birthday and I still haven't... looking for the email addy along with my own stattered mind... seems like everything is happening right now, for like the past month, I swear I've just felt like things keep spinning around me and I'm trying to just keep track of it all. :p

Saturday, May 03, 2003

Now I've gotten into doing fan art of sorts, but all that revolves around the characters in my Covens. *LOL* I just love messing around with pics like this, it's fun! This after I came across a site that had like nothing but a ton of fan art, of all kinds of variety. Movies, Music, TV, ect...

They've been coming out pretty good, but I have ideas for some that are proving to be very hard to make due to the amont or kind of pics I can find of some of these people... they just don't fit the way I want them to. Grr... *LOL*

Thursday, May 01, 2003

Okay, been a few days, but not too bad...

I missed a couple days of class... just over slept and such. I'm actually excited about school next semester, I think Communications will be fun. :) I actually should go check on when my registration is. And not sure, but I think I actually got a B on my exam... how bloody shocking is that! :)

Got new stuff from Amazon... I watched on and off 'Once and Again' while it actually ran on TV, and so I bought season 1. Which I think I saw most of. It's cool, I sat and watched like the first two discs of 6 last night. :)

Seems I'm full of smily faces here, guess I'm in a good mood. :) Which is good. Anyway....

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Well, got access to all the boards, somehow in clicking through the emails it finally worked on all the boards... very wierd still. Anyway, so that's at least working for the moment. Missed class today, was too tired and needed more sleep. And it's not like the class really is for anything, all it is is excess units that I don't really even need. Not that I'm going to stop going, just that it's not such a big deal I miss a day here or there. I think I've only missed like 3 days, so not too bad. It'll matter next semester when I'm taking classes for my major. Which I'm actually looking forward to. I think they'll be interesting and fun.

I'm so annoyed, I can't access my favorite message boards, which I'm a mod on all of, kind of hinders my ability to mod. I managed to access one through a link in my email to my full PM box... but myself, the admin of the the several boards, nor my ISP have any idea what the issue is... totally weird...

Anyway... work was good today, it all came back... though I did have to think a little about what buttons I pushed on some of the computers and machines. I go in again on Friday and Saturday. At least it's some cash till I get a real job, this summer.

Also, I'm fully enjoying watching all the NBA playoffs. My brother got into basketball at the end of last season, and I wound up watching some of last years playoffs... needless to say I'm a fan now too... We like the Nets and the Kings... Love watching sports, sports rock... though I'm not much into baseball, never could get excited enough about it. And well, I just dont' see enough hockey to get into it, but I probably could if I sat and watched it... but between the new found love of Basketball (this last year) and Football (which I've loved since before I can recall.... 49ers Rule! Love'um!) I've got a lot of sports to watch and love. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Well, I just spent the whole night working on a layout for my personal website. Which will link to here and vice versa. So, I'm working three days this week, helping cover since my old boss went to Hawaii on vacation. I'm still enjoying being unemployed for a while, but it'll be good to make a little money. Always need money... gotta feed my many entertainment addictions, plus you know, food, parking money, school, ect...

Also, I'm very cold right now... I'm going to go to bed relativly soon, seeing as it's nearly 7am now, and I actually have work at 3pm this afternoon. Already seems odd to be thinking of going to work, my old work, even for just a few days... anyway... Listening to Christina Aguilera ~ "Stripped". Good CD. I actually did up the layout for my site with a Christina layout... not really sure why, or what possessed me to really want to make a Christina layout, I just did... one of those odd random things... *LOL*

Monday, April 21, 2003

I gotta figure out how to make this thing prettier though....

I want to try and really make something that looks really fun, and cool and all that jazz...
Ok, this is my first post. I'm not fully sure yet what I'm doing with this, but I felt like haveing a blog, everyone's got them these days. *L* Plus I'm going to attempt to create a nice little personal page for myself, cause I'm having fun with web design right now.