Saturday, February 05, 2005

Do Chickens Still Run with No Heads?

Yes, school + errands + internship = my ass getting kicked. I swear I'm so beat. Can't even stay up for my chat tonight. Just on here for five minutes while I check on my email and post a note about no chats. Been falling asleep before midnight like all week, and waking by like 8am, and then spending the whole day that comes inbetween 8am and midnight running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Course I don't know how acurate the saying is, but it's a saying, so I'm using it. Not sure that chickens still run without heads, what with the lack of brain impulses to make it run on account of the head being cut off... anyway... I think I just ate up the little bit of brain power I had stored up on that chicken thought... so I think I hear my pillow calling... just not literally... not like the wax lion in Wonderfalls... (Kick ass show, just bought it on DVD, not had much chance to watch it all, but well, it does.)

Okay... Goodnight

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