Sunday, February 27, 2005

Randomness... Boredomness... etc

Okay, so Friday I was out most of the day. Hung out at a friend's house, had class, and then went out that night with another friend and some other people she knew. All in all, a busy and fun day. Then came today... did some errands, came home, and got bored. :p And now, feeling kind of creatively tapped. Was trying to think what to do for chat ep, and just blank... was not cool... Plus I think I've been kind of weird all day... and was sort of chatty online to a few people. I hope I didn't annoy any of them...

Is Boredemness a word... well, it is now... *L* Anyway... not quite sure what else to say... oh, was bored online a few nights ago also, and wound up taking a whole bunch of those little online quizzes that half the universe puts in their Live Journal and Blogger posts, and apparently The Buffy character I'm most like is Tara, and the Angel character I'm most like is Angel. I'm trying to figure out just how Tara and Angel would manage to exist in one body.... *L*

It's funny, one would think that what with this being something online where I can sort of conseal some of my identity I still censor some of the things I say... not for the reason it would help identify me... but just that there are details of myself that I don't even care to reveal annonomously. And yet even in all the self censoring... I've never been able to point anyone I know face to face in life to this journal... only people I know online... Somehow something in all that seems weird... or maybe it simply is easier to bare your thoughts to faceless names than it is to friends who's faces you know very well... Anyway... that was my deep thought of the night... *L*

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