Sunday, February 27, 2005

More Questions

Okay these ones I got off Kris' LJ... cause I can't resist a good bunch of questions... It occupies me when bored... :)

What time did you get up this morning? Noonish

Diamonds or pearls? Hmmm, not sure... don't wear much of either ... both can be kinda pretty though... although neither should be too large, or they start to look tacky...

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? National Treasure... cause Sean Bean is fucking HOT!

What is your favorite TV show? Hmm... several of those... current run shows: Lost, The OC, Gilmore Girls are probably tops

What did you have for breakfast? Um... I didn't get up till noon, so technically it was already lunch time

What is your middle name? Hope

What is your favorite cuisine? I'll say Mexican

What foods do you dislike? plenty of things, I'm a tad picky...

What are your favorite Potato chips? Sour Cream & Onion Sun Chips, and they aren't potato

What is your favorite CD at the moment: Ex-Girlfriend by Low Millions & Hotel Paper by Michelle Branch

What kind of car do you drive? Honda Civic

Favorite sandwich? Turkey with mustard, mayo, lettuce, & tomato on a sour or french roll

What characteristics do you despise? Dishonesty, arrogance

Favorite item of clothing? Hmmm, I love my Happy Bunny stuff. Happy Bunny is so wonderfully pissy.

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Hawaii

What color is your bathroom? White with pink tiles and bloody falling apart... and no, neither I nor anyone in my family picked the pink tiles... house came like that...

Favorite brand of clothing? Um... I don't know, I don't really have a brand...

Where would you retire to? Um... I wouldn't mind just being here... California... There's no place like home :)

Favorite time of day? Um... Night maybe... but really anytime but morning... I'm so not a morning person

What was your most memorable birthday? Um... good memorable or bad? Good I don't know... bad, probably my 20th. It was my first week of work at my first job, and I'd worked all day on my birthday, and at close up time, I hadn't been taught how to open the safe yet, I was relying on the guy who was closing with me to know. But he forgot I guess, he was kind of new too, and honestly, nice but not that bright... and so I wound up there an hour past closing making a half a dozen calls trying to find someone from the store who was home and could talk us through opening the safe. I was not happy that night. I missed getting to have my birthday pizza... which is the only thing I even do anymore for my birthday... if I didn't get pizza it'd be just another day...

Where were you born? California.... what, were you expecting something more specific?

Favorite sport to watch? Football

Coke or Pepsi? Neither, I don't do fizzy

Are you a morning person or night owl? Night owl, definatly *she says at 2am*

What is your shoe size? 7

Do you have any pets? 3 cats

Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family and friends? Not really, and well, I'm not sure anyone really reads this so... not sure it's really shared with too many people... *L*

What did you want to be when you were little? a gymnast, a camera person (yeah, I know, I apparently should have listened to the 6 year old me), an assortment of other things I can't recall off hand... But can you believe it took me like 17 years to finally realize again something I wanted when I was 6!

What were you meant to be doing today? Nothing... bored...

What book are you currently reading? Um, in the middle of several, none of which I've picked up in like a month or more...

Red or white wine? Not much on alcohol, thus not much of a wine drinker. Although I think of the wines I've tried the couple I've liked best have been Pink... they were fruiter then others...

What is your favorite smell? Um... I don't know... I've always been fond of how the air smells after the first rain... and love the salty smell of the air along the coast.

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