Monday, February 07, 2005

Ever tried disconnecting the brain?

Most of the day was okay, but as the afternoon wore on and I was stuck in a small editing room with 3 other people, and the video we were editing and THEY decided to put music to became further and further removed from anything I had any creative input in, I cared less, and became more fustrated, as I had plenty of shit that needed doing at home. However I couldn't up an leave since it was my camera that was being used for DV transfer... All I ate up to the point I finally left school at like near 4pm, since 8am that morning when I got up and headed off to school, was a box of Junior Mints and an apple fritter... yeah, not really food to fuel the body, more just a sugar rush... which as it turns out can act like too much caffinee when that's all you've eaten... I found heading home that I felt a tad twitchy, shakey, and off kilter... that plus the mood I was in, also lent to my state of feeling sort of like someone had taken a pair of clippers and snipped the wires from my brain to the rest of my body... I felt very mentally disconnected... it was a little odd, and not a very good state of being to try and drive a car in. It was somewhat disorienting, and mentally disturbing.

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