Friday, April 08, 2005

A few answers

Well, in just the last couple hours, a couple of answers have been forthcoming... and unfortunatly, they were NOT the ones I wanted. Figures I suppose... I went and got honestly hopeful... and nope...

But anyway... so, now we push on... cause the risks don't stop there... there are many more to go... and we'll have to see how many I'm willing to go through... in the hope of hitting a right door... or whatever...

Despite the obvious disappointment of things, as always, not going my way... I have some of the answers that I was seeking... they weren't the ones I wanted, no. But they are answers none the less. Sitting clearly for me to see now, and for me to deal with. And that is good... it tends to be the not knowing that drives me crazy... and even if the answers are not my way, I have something there to deal with... I can sort through it, be sad about it if I need to, deal with it, and move on from it... so that's what I am working on right now... it's sorting... I'm a little down... but i'm not as scattered and crazed as before... so the dealing is in process... hopfully the moving on part follows quickly... like, tomorrow would be good...

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