Sunday, April 24, 2005

Two Years

Well, I just noticed that it's been two years since I started this blog... weird... guess I'm in a posting sort of mood right now... maybe it's what comes of not posting for like a week... I don't know... anyway, thought I'd comment on it being two years... I've had some lags in posting along the way, some for several months... some like the last week, for a week or so... this lag has been due mostly to my not being online so much the last week, I've actually been avoiding being online... I think cause I've been so desperatly seeking interaction in the real world... and that so much of online lately has just been depressing me... just staring at the screen, and still not having much conversation...

Still having that chasing my tail feeling... in thinking on the two years... I've pondered on if much has really changed in all these years... so I mention it again, but having the thought again... but I think I've beat that one to death at this point... I think I'm beating the risk/regret thing to death also... but, guess it's just what's going on in my head ... what keeps going on in my head... what it always comes back to... to the same wants, desires, feelings... and so I continue to feel stuck in this place mentally... in this head space that is probably not all to good for me... but so it goes... anyway... anyone think I should just shut up yet?

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