Friday, April 08, 2005

Revisit: Risk & Regret

So this has been a hot topic on my mind the last few days... considering the risks I have taken (however few)... and those I was too afraid to take (many more)... and the outcomes, and how I felt after... and how I look back now at the situations... do I regret any of the risks? or do I only regret the 'what ifs'? I think it really is mostly the 'what ifs' that end up in my regret pile, sitting down the road for me to continually look back at. The risks, even when it wound up hurting or not how I'd hoped... I don't regret taking the chance. Because at least I got a decisive outcome, and I could cope, get over it... move on. I know, I'm repeating myself... but I think it bares repeating if for no other reason then I need to get it in my head. I need to make myself realize it, or believe it... so that perhaps I will have the nerve to risk a little, risk being rejected, risk maybe things being a tad weird... cause if I don't risk it, and nothing happens, I'll just end up 'what iffing' till I drive myself nuts...

I had made a post last night on how weird I was feeling, how my sleep was off and how at my internship last night I felt like I needed to jump up and down and nap all at the same time... unfortunatly Blogger decided to take a spaz when I sent it, and it was completely lost... anyway... that's it for now...

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