Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Week gone by

So, it's been like a week since I posted anything in any blog/journal thingy. I'd like to say that it was just that eventful of a week, but... Not that it wasn't busy, but mostly like school busy. Paired with, just didn't feel like being online if I didn't have to be. Although I did have a fun, and weird Friday. Won't go into detail, cause, well, tired, and don't feel like it... it wasn't like life altering in anyway, just odd, but in a good way. The rest of the weekend was mostly uneventful. Had a couple meeting for various projects, but that was it, and the usual errands to run. The rest of my blog/journals will probably continue to wait a few days for updates... cause, well, just tired, and just dropping in a moment before running off to bed. I've passed most of my boldness I had about a month ago, little less. But I think I'm over it now. Though I should attempt other acts of boldness... new and different ones... but we'll see, may not happen... you know like talking to strangers and such. :p
I'm still desperatly seeking something resembling a life outside my computer/house/etc... a social life bascially... still looking... had a couple good spots the last week, and a few hints also that there were set backs... anyway... I think that's it for now...

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