Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This one may not make a lot of sense...

like the title says... cause well, yeah I'm censoring myself again... But anyway, I'd wanted to really try and follow as was suggested by someone the other day and just ask a couple casual questions in the search for information and well, didn't get the chance... just no chance... maybe that's meant to show the whole picture... just no chance...

The good point of the day, the best point was probably this morning when I bumped into this girl who'd been in my drama class like a year and a half ago. She actually said 'hey' first and remembered my name and everything. We stopped and chatted for several minutes in the parking lot. I was on my way home after my class, and she was headed to a meeting. She commented on something that I also find kind of frustrating, that you meet all these cool people in classes, but then once the class is over, it's like the friendships you thought you were making in class, just vanish. That's what has been stressing me out a lot lately. The idea that these people who I've met in classes and such, who are cool people, I'm never gonna talk to again once graduation comes. I don't want them all to vanish, they are cool. She told me about this speaker she's arranging coming in May, it's part of her studies... like a senior project kind of thing. I might have to see about going, just to help support her project and say 'hi' again.

I fear tomorrow I will be desperatly bored and desperate for socialization outside my house or my computer. It seems the last few days I can't go more than like an hour in my house without getting restless. So much so, along with being just really sleepy, drove me to bed at like 10pm last night. Which is way weird for me... I'm normally up till like 2am... my sleep is off, my mind is off... I'm really off right now... it's a tad disconcerning... but then maybe it's just me...

1 comment:

j said...

--just wandered by--nice blog...