Sunday, March 06, 2005

Another mindless survey...

Yeah so, I'm making a habit of theiving surveys from blogs and LJs... I have nothing better to do with my existance, right?... so I fill out surveys...

1. Gum: haven't chewed much gum in a while
2. Restaurant: don't eat out much
3. Drink: orange juice
4. Season: summer I guess...
5. Type of weather: generally sunny, but there are days where rain is what I want... it really is a mood thing...
6. Emotion: any that doesn't make me feel like I want to slit my wrists
7. Thing to do on a half day: what a day not all busy... I used to have lots of those, now i have lots of half busy days... never totally busy...
8. Late-night activity: I'd say online on the comp, but that hasn't been making me very happy lately...
9. Sport: football
10. City: hmm... guess I'll go with good old San Fran...
11. Store: best buy maybe...

When was the last time you
12. Cried: like a half hour ago...eyes still a bit red and puffy I think
13. Played a sport: ages...
14. Laughed: feels like ages... but it was probably like yesterday... for a moment...
15. Hugged someone: other than my cats... don't know...
16. Kissed someone: I'm going to refuse to answer this one... fuck off...
17. Felt depressed: um... now
18. Felt overworked: maybe a few days ago... maybe Thurs when I just kind of felt pulled all over...
19. Faked sick: never did much of that...
20. Lied: probably sometime this week when I said I was okay, and probably really wasn't... can't garantee the lie wasn't to myself though...

What was the last
21. Word you said: not sure...
22. Thing you ate: um... not sure...
23. Song you listened to: Listening to Dido "Slide" right now...
24. Thing you drank: Um... probably orange juice
25. Place you went to: the grocery store... super exciting my life is not...
26. Movie you saw at the movies: Um... National Treasure...
27. Movie you rented: Just rented this film called Easy... haven't watched it yet though... last one rented and watched was I Heart Huckabees.

Who was the last person you
28. Hugged: if we aren't counting cats here, I have no idea...
29. Cried over: myself... and all those people i once trusted...
30. Kissed:
31. Danced with:
32. Shared a secret with: maybe that's a secret...
33. Had a sleepover with: no idea... last time I slept over at someone's house... ??? Does sharing a hotel room with some friends on a trip count? If so then it was Andrea & Marcus...
35. Went to a movie with: Andrea
36. Saw: um... probably my mom...unless we're counting cats...
37. Were angry with: um... rehashed some bad shit a bit ago... so all those people I used to trust...
38. Couldn't take your eyes off: Um... I'm usually pretty good at shying away...
39. Obsessed over: there's been a few people taking up a lot of my head space lately...

Have you ever
40. Danced in the rain: yeah, years and years and years ago...
41. Kissed someone:
42. Done drugs: no
43. Drank alcohol: yes
44. Partied 'til the sun came up: no
45. Missing apparently
46. Gone too far on a dare: no
47. Spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes
48. Taken a survey quite like this before: yes, I'm often bored and online late at night... I have a sad little existance generally...

I'm ...
55. I'm feeling: shitty
56. I'm listening to: Dido
57. I'm doing: this...
58. I'm talking to: no one, other than myself... I talk to myself a lot...
59. I'm craving: a little joy & comfort
60. I'm thinking of: blank... just kind of numbing myself out right now...
61. I'm hating: a lot right now...

62. Love is: the tiny little stupid hopeful voice in side me wants to say it's good and exists and will find me someday... but then the other voices choak the little stupid one till she shuts the fuck up...
63. My first love: never had one... and at this rate... probably never will...
64. In love now:
65. Love or lust: I'm refusing to answer most of this section on the grounds that I don't think it applies to me, I think fate has been pretty fucking clear about that to me at this point...
66. Best love song:
67. Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time:
68. Would you rather be in love or single: well, being single hasn't been that good to me... but then maybe love would suck even more... who the fuck knows...
69. Is there such thing as love at first sight?

Picky picky
67. Dog or cat: cat
68. Short or long hair: eh...short I guess... I tend to keep mine short... but other people look good with long hair...
69. Sunshine or rain: both
70. Hugs or kisses: I'd make the Hersheys joke right now, but I'm not in the mood...
71. Summer or winter: summer...
72. Written letters or e-mails: email... it's just easier...
73. Playstation or nintendo: never really played playstation, but my brother seems to like it... I remember nintendo being fun as a kid/teen however... Mario was cool...
74. Car or motorcycle: car
75. House party or club: I don't really get invited out to either much... and the parties I've been too, not really the wild 'house party' sort... more the sit around and be amused by the drunkest or highest person in the room and chat...
76. Sing or dance: dance... since I can't sing worth a damn... only do it in the car or my room with the volume up loud enough to mostly drowned myself out...
77. Freak or slow dance: I don't really do either... last time I danced with someone was probably junior high, and that was probably only out of pity for the sorry chick hanging out on the side of the gym in the dark... Yeah, that was me... I know there was probably one of me in every high school, and did you speak to her? or was she social suicide? Dude... my head is fucked up right now... I should go to bed...

78. How are you today? shitty...
79. What pants are you wearing right now? some old plaid flannel pants that barely stay on but they are comfy...
80. What shirt are you wearing right now? sweatshirt, hooded, marroon in color...
81. What does your hair look like at the moment: pulled back, loose tied
82. What song are you listening to right now? "Take my Hand" by Dido
83. How is the weather right now? not sure... was fairly sunny today... it's all dark and middle of the night now though...
84. Who was last person you talked to on the phone? um... I think Holly
85. Last dream I can remember? um... not good with the dream recall, however I do recall some dream like last night... strange as always, and for some reason this cute guy from my internship was there... don't recall why or how... or what the dream was... but I suppose the cute guy didn't suck... be nice if he turned up again tonight actually, I could use something that doesn't suck about now...

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