Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Freakin' Weird

Okay, so I'm just in a totally weird mood now... actually feeling good today and just kooky. *L* Feeling all like playful and goofy right now... total flipside of how I was feeling the other day... Not really sure what made today good. I didn't get much sleep (like an hour and half last night) before running off to school to help edit for my internship and then getting trained on the nice new cameras the school has. Then went home, napped for a couple hours, and went to a meeting. Then came home, hopped online, watched Lost... which totally rocked. I was so glad they did an ep centered around Hurley, finally. He's a cool character.

Anyway... not much else to say... should go grab a shower and head for bed, got an exam in the morning. At least it's multiple 'guess'. *L*

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