Monday, March 21, 2005


I was thinking today in the car on the ride home, and realized, I really do have a voyeristic tendancy. I love to watch things happen. Course I've known for a long time I'm not so much the joiner type as the observer type. Doesn't mean that I pick up on every little detail, I just pick up on what's of interest to me, what catches my attention, which may or may not be the obvious thing happening in front of me. My group in my video class started tossing around ideas for our improv and then shot a bit of it, and in doing so, a more extencive idea occured to me. I now have another project I want to do for the class, I still want to do the first one too though. But now I want to do this like reality inspired bit, in the girl's room... a sort of 'tales from the girls room'... all the weird stuff that goes on in the girls bathroom, gossip, random talk, fixing makeup, adjusting clothes (specifically thinking of adjusting the boobs *L*). I started thinking back to like junior high, to those school dances, where half the excitement of the night, and half the interesting stuff went down in the girl's bathroom. Gossip, trash talk, crying, girly talk, etc... all shot while never really revealing who you're looking at. All body parts. Eyes, lips, hands, chests, feet... it's an idea. We also got talking about a sort of 'expressive feet' idea, from this same base idea we had for our improv. One of the gals in my group was talking about how expressive just a person's feet can be. I'd be interested in doing something with that also... So many strange and interesting ideas... and then there's my original story that I still want to shoot, where in we bascially see three different parts of the same person, all physcially present at once. The Body, The Girl, The Soul... it's a little off beat, and different, but that's why I like it, it's not something I've seen a million times...

But when I was driving home and thinking about the idea of the girls' room stories, and then glanced in the rear view mirror, which at one point I'd been thinking that there could be potential for a series of photos 'in the rear view'... and what I realized about both those ideas, is they are very much in the vein of many of the photos I took in my photography classes. Something I've had several people comment on upon seeing the photos, that there is a very voyeristic quality to them. The photos are candid in nature, best if no one notices or at least cares that I'm there taking the picture... catching moments that seem almost private, even in public places. One image for example was of three boys gathered around together in a very tight circle, seeming to all be looking at something. I do like watching people, or other animals... also on the way home I found myself at a red light, and was destracted from everything else for a moment by this crow on the side of the road who was trying to eat something.

Anyway... just felt like saying that... it's an odd bit about me, that may or may not be fairly clearly noticable to anyone else who might see me... but, is something I note now, because it is a tendancy of mine, a part of my personality... and something that I was in particular noticing today...

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