Friday, March 11, 2005

Cause I'm a Loser... Plus, I'm Bored

Okay, so I do random ass shit when bored... and usually it's pretty lame, cause, well, I'm a loser. :p So I'm poking around online at random stuff, just waiting for something interesting to happen, so I'm not so bored... and now, I'm making a blog entry about it. Posted a new photo to my Photo Blog: Frozen Time. The link is on the side if anyone's interested. It's just a bunch of my random photography done over the last like 8 years. Some of the photos are as recent as October last year... some are as old as October of 1996 when I took my first photography class my senior year of high school.

Speaking of pictures, I've been longing to get a picture since last year of this really cool ass bird that I see sometimes chillin' on the powerlines along the backroad that runs by my school. It's about the size of a crow, but has a sort of 'hawkish' look. Very cool. Course usually when I see it, I don't have my camera, and/or I'm driving 60 miles an hour along a backroad. *L*

Today was pretty okay. Yesterday and Today were really strange in that while on campus, both days, I randomly bumped into at least a couple people I knew. Normally I don't see anyone I know outside of class, while just wandering about campus. Thurs was really weird. Saw four different guys from my internship, and then a guy from one of my classes last semester, and one from my Drama class like two years ago. Today it was two guys from my internship. Totally weird...

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