Thursday, March 31, 2005

Daring? Me? *hehe*

Yeah, okay so last night I did something a little daring. A little more daring then would normally be me. What exactly that is, I won't say. *L* But there may be a person or two who may know what I mean. It was fun, exciting... totally not something I'd have thought I'd do a couple months ago. I really think I need to try and be more daring, more bold. At least occationally. Doesn't have to be all the time, or even super frequently... but just from time to time. To break out of this little shell I like to tuck myself away into. Like a hermit crab making that daring break to nab a new and cooler shell. *LOL*

Hopeing this is the start to a very fun, and good day. :)

Just finished watching the Buffy episode "Hush". Which is quite possibly one of the most brilliant hours of television ever made. Joss is genius. Now watching The Practice... episodes with James Spader. *L* James Spader is just amazing... his attitude just makes him incredibly sexy! *LOL*

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