Thursday, March 24, 2005

Impending Lameness of Spring Break

So, just about everyone I know at school has some kind of fun plans for Spring Break, including the one or two who are staying in town for the week. They at least are planning to spend lots of time with their significant other (don't have one of those), is getting their house to themselves, and/or getting to stay someplace else cool to house sit, or have some kind of other plans for the week. Me, I'm maybe going to see about amusing myself by going to a couple movies during the week, alone of course... but then I used to do that a lot... maybe I should make a point of seeing more movies by myself. But aside from solo trips to the movies, I'm going to be just sitting around at home and working on my internship... as we're gonna obviously be short handed next week, because most everyone else is well, going away for Spring Break.

Yeah, 8 years of college, and I've never had an exciting Spring Break. It always goes like this. When I was working I'd pick up extra hours that week, when I didn't I'd just sleep in more. But that's always been about the extent of my 'fun' for Spring Break. Eh... so it goes I guess... nothing I can do about it now... it's too late and it's too bad... anyway... I probably wouldn't enjoy going someplace warm and tropical anyway, right?

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