Sunday, March 13, 2005

Big Ass Survey

Nabbed off the LJ of a friend of a friend... cause as per usual, it's late and I'm bored...

Name: Meegan

Nickname: Meg, Mimi, Meegy

Age: 25

Birth Date: June 1979

Sign: Cancer

Eyes: Grey-Blue-Greenish

Hair: Brown

Height: 5'3 1/2"

Pets: 3 cats

Bf/Gf: *heh* yeah, right, that'll happen


Bands: The Calling, Low Millions, Michelle Branch, Christina Aguilera, Save Ferris, Dido... Newley discovered Papa Roach

Music Genre: Whatever genre all those people fit into...

Cereal: Frosted Flakes, Honey Nut Cheerios, Blueberry Mornings, Cocoa Puffs

Jolly Rancher: Watermelon

M&M: Blue

Hangout: Don't have one, unless you count sitting at home on my computer a 'hangout'

Day: Sunday

Month: I'm not sure it makes much a difference anymore. I don't think there's a month in the year that I specifically look forward to anymore.

Season: Summer i guess,... but I kind of like them all these days

Shoes: Um, these little black slip ons that I have are cool

Restaurants: don't eat out much... Roundtable pizza's not bad...

Cars: 1960's models of the Mustangs

Person To Talk To Online: Sarai

Person To Talk To On The Phone: Andrea

_This Or That_

Boxer or Briefs: boxers

Plaid Or Striped: plaid I guess...

Alt. Or Rap: alternative

Ska Or Punk: don't know... maybe punk, but ska's cool too... loved Save Ferris

Classical Or Country: country

Salt Or Pepper: salt

Coke Or Pepsi: neither

Dr. Pepper or Mr. Pibb: neither

Sprite Or Seven up: neither.... I don't really do sodas...

Skittles-Original, Tropical, Or Wildberry: Original probably

Bleh Or Blah: eh...

Okay, Ok, Or O.K.: okay

Shake Or Stir: stir

Bright Colors Or Dark Colors: Dark

Snap, Crackle, or Pop: Pop snaps more than crackle... *heh*

Half Empty Or Half Full: well, depends on the mood, I probably veer a little more to the half empty though...

Sunshine Or Rain: Sun... but I don't mind some rain too

Sun Or Moon: both

Silver Or Gold: Silver

Frogs Or Toads: frogs I guess...

_Short Answer_

Left Handed Or Right Handed: right... but I'm fairly good with the left hand considering...

Are you Smart: sort of

What's your Middle Name: Hope

How Many Personalities Do you Have: at least a few... probably...

How Many Piercings Do you Have: two in each ear, the standard setting... pretty typical... hardly ever actually wear earings though

Tattoos: no, still want one though... but well, the pain factor concerns me...

Do you Read your Horoscopes: occationally

Do you Believe In That Stuff: eh... not much...

Can you Drive: yeah...

Do you Keep A Journal: several

What Languages Do you Know: English... tried to learn Spanish a couple times, but apparently I'm linguistically retarded...

Do you Like Cotton Candy: yes... it's sugar in fluffy form... :)

What Do you Sleep In: PJs

How Many Times Have You Moved Houses: 6 times... all by the age of 9... haven't moved since, but planning to move north to Portland or Seattle soon... kinda freaked out by that...

Is your Room Messy: yeah, a bit

Do you Like your Handwriting: not really, it's kind of an all over the place mess...

Do you Like Fingerpaint: guess... haven't fingerpainted since grade school though...

Do you Sleep With Stuffed Animals: yeah...gotta have something to cuddle sometimes, plus, their cute

Are you Ticklish: a bit... but I don't really recall how much or where... no one's tickled me in ages...

Are you A Morning Person: No...

_Hard Questions_

Would you Rather Burn To Death Or Freeze To Death: Neither sounds very pleasant...

Would you Eat A Bowl Of Live Crickets For 40,000: Um, I'm thinking no...

Where Do you Want To Live: California is good for me... but I probably won't be here much longer... and starting to wonder if once I leave, if I'll ever have the means to come back... I think I miss it and I haven't even gone yet... It's just a part of me...

Spell your Name Backwards: nageem

If you Could Have Any Animal For A Pet, What Would It Be: Cat

Ever Been To Belgium: Nope... never been out of the US at this point...

What's your Favorite Coin: um... penny maybe, cause it's different

_Describe your_

Pillow Cover: flannel, light in color

Sunglasses: familiar... been wearing this same pair for years now... copper colored wire, rectangularish lenses

Shoes: black, solid...

Cologne/Perfume: don't wear any...

CD In Stereo Right Now: I believe I've got Papa Roach: "Getting away with Murder" in my CD player currently

Makeup: really don't wear any except on the occation I go out someplace fun...

_Last Thing you_

Bought: bagel at school Friday...

Read: another chapter in "Wasteland" by Francesca Lia Block ... also Friday at school

Thought Of: Um... the answer to the last one...*L*


Tea Or Coffee: Tea

Beer Or Cider: Cider

Cats Or Dogs: Cats

Pen Or Pencil: Pen

Gloves Or Mittens: Gloves

Food Or Candy: Candy

Cassette Or CD: Shouldn't this be like CD or Download at this point? Does anyone even bother with cassettes anymore? I mean I don't have a CD player in my car, but that's what that adapter is for with the portable.


Want: comfort... it came to mind, so I guess so...

Need: piece of mind... or peace of mind... either or...

Live To: okay these questions are hard... I guess to just be... to create... to create and to be... ???

Make: images...

Want To Be: a filmmaker... but I'd take being a photographer also...


Your Heritage: Um... we don't know my mom's background... so my dad's is all I have... so... Irish...

The Shoes you Ware: Didn't I do this a couple sections back... their black and chunky and comfy

Your eyes: kind of dull colored... grey with a bit of green and blue at times...

One Thing you'd Like To Achieve: Um... contentment... with myself and the world

Your First Thoughts Waking up: Ugh....5 more minutes...

Your Best Physical Feature: um... I have no idea...

Your Bedtime: whenever I go to bed...

Your Greatest Accomplishment: Um... no idea...

Your Most Missed Memory: Don't ask me memory questions... I never have an answer for them...

_You Prefer_

Pepsi Or Coke: I think this was asked before too...

McDonald’s Or Burger King: hmm... don't know that I care...

Adidas Or Nike: Adidas on the grounds that I still own one of their jackets from like 12 years ago, and it still keeps the rain out...

Chocolate Or Vanilla: Hmm... depends on the mood I think...

Cappuccino Or Coffee: Don't know...

_DO you_

Smoke: No

Cuss: Sure as Shit... *heh*

Have A Crush(es): Yeah, a few, that I need to get out of my head... nothing but a nusance... cause it's not like there's any fucking point to having them, all they do is distract from everything else, because it's not like they are ever going to be anything more than crushes... complete waste of fucking time...

Who are They: If any were attainable I might mention it, but since they aren't, it's really not worth mentioning now is it...

Want To Go To College: Already there, and hopefully nearly done...

Like High School: Make that DID I like high school... and for the most part, no...

Want To Get Married: Not really

Type With your Fingers On The Right Keys: yes... about the only thing I got out of that fucking typing class in 7th grade that was good...

Believe In yourself: occationally... but not often enough...

Get Motion Sickness: not really... not generally anyway...

Think your Attractive: not really...

Think your A Health Freak: Definatly NOT

Get Along With your Parents: with my mom yes... my dad, I didn't, it's better now though, that we only see each other a few times a year

Like Thunderstorms: as long as they don't hit anything important...

Play An Instrument: No... wish I could though...

_Did/Have you_

Drank Alcohol: yeah

Smoked: no

Gone To The Mall: yeah

Eaten Sushi: no

Been On Stage: only a tiny one in a classroom...

Gone skating: yeah, but not for ages...

Made Homemade Cookies: Yup... usually do that at least once a year...

Dyed your Hair: yeah, trying to grow out the Black I dyed it last time so I can go red again

Stolen Anything: not really

_Have you Ever_

Flown On A Plane: yeah

Missed School Because It Was Raining: Yeah, a few times...

Told A Guy/Girl That you Liked Them: Not so directly no...

Cried During A Movie: A few times... it's gotta be a pretty moving film though... for all the crying I do in life, I cry very little at movies...

Ever Thought An Animated Character Was Hot: um... I don't know that I have...

Had An Imaginary Friend: yup... a few

Cut your Hair: Yeah... I assume we mean myself... apparently I did it once when I was a toddler... and now I've taken to cutting my own hair again...

Had A Crush On your Teacher: On my teacher, no... on a teacher, yes... but he wasn't my teacher...

Played A Game That Required The Removal Of Clothing: no

Been Trashed Or Extremely Intoxicated: no

Been Caught ‘Doing Something’: no

Been Called A Tease: no

Gotten Beaten up: no

Shoplifted: no

_The Future_

Age you Hope To Be Married: Don't think I want to do the marriage thing... like ever

Numbers And Names Of Children: Not sure I want to do the parent thing either...

Describe your Dream Wedding: if I were to get married... one word... SIMPLE

How Do you Want To Die: Don't know... old age, or cutting my wrists open...

What Do you Want To Do When you Grow up: Kinda almost grown up... and I'd like to do like TV or film production...

What Country Would you Most Like To Visit: England, cause my best friend lives there... Ireland would be nice too though...


Shampoo: Aussie Moist

Color: Blue & black

Day/Night: both

Summer/Winter: summer maybe...

Food: pizza

Movie: too many to get into...

Sport: football

_In The Last 24 Hours_

Cried: um, actually I think I've had a tears free last 24 hours... 48 hours might be a different story though...

Worn Jeans: no... haven't been out of the house in the last 24 hours...

Met Someone New Online: nope... only talked to 3 people online in the past 24, and all of them I've know at least a year, if not more...

Done Laundry: Nope...

Drove A Car: Nope, haven't been out of the house in 24 hours ...

Talked On The Phone: Haven't talked on the phone in over 24 hours either... no one calls me, and I have no one to call... so... (except Andrea, but she's swamped with nursing school exams the next two weeks)

_Do you Believe In_

Yourself: occationally

Your Friends: Um... the couple that I know very well...

Santa Claus: no

Tooth Fairy: no

Destiny/Fate: sometimes, to a point... but not that everything is fated... just that perhaps some things just turn out that way because they do

Angels: no

Ghosts: not really... but weirdness abounds so...

God: no

_Friends And Life_

Do you Ever Wish you Had Another Name: Yeah, plenty... never really seemed to like my name ever since childhood

Do you Like Anyone: like a guy someone... I think that was covered in crushes... if it's just meant like people in general, yeah sure...

Which One Of your Friends is The Most Like you: Um... a few years ago I would have said Apryl, but, well, our lives are just so different now... she's in love, and married to a great guy, and has a baby, and is living halfway around the world... so, I guess none of my friends are really that much like me... they are all kind of different from me, and from each other...

Who Have you Known The Longest Of your Friends: Andrea, known her since 9th grade (that's 11 years)... Apryl's right behind that though at 10th grade (10 years)

Are you Close To Any Family Member: I'm fairly close to my mom and brother... we get along well and all... but that doesn't mean that there aren't things that I aren't said... I keep plenty of myself, to myself...

When Have you Cried The Most: I don't know... there have been times where it feels like I've just cried for days for no real reason at all... I know I spent A LOT of tears in the last couple of months leading up to high school graduation...

What’s The Best Feeling In The World: a pure joyful moment

Worst Feeling: loneliness or betrayal... but often the second leads to the first, so...

What Time Is It Now: 3am

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